PCDC/kybella Treatment | Arcanum Aesthetics | Tampa, Florida

PCDC/Kybella in Tampa, FL

PCDC/Kybella is an innovative service representing the latest advancement in non-surgical aesthetic treatments. Submental fullness, often called a double chin, can be a source of self-consciousness for many individuals. PCDC/Kybella provides a solution that is both effective and minimally invasive. This treatment effectively targets and dissolves fat cells in the submental area by harnessing the power of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid that is innately present in the body. Unlike traditional surgical methods, PCDC/Kybella offers a non-surgical approach to achieving a more sculpted and youthful profile. Patients no longer have to consider the risks and downtime associated with surgery to enhance their chin and jawline.

This revolutionary treatment allows individuals to regain confidence in their appearance without invasive procedures, providing a safe, efficient, and customizable solution for those seeking to redefine their facial contours. PCDC/Kybella can effectively treat Submental fullness (double chin). This treatment is ideal for individuals with excess fat under the chin who desire a more defined, youthful jawline. There is typically a noticeable difference within a few weeks, and multiple sessions are often required for optimal results. Take the first step towards a more confident you – book your PCDC/Kybella appointment now and experience the remarkable results yourself. Your journey to a more sculpted, youthful appearance begins here.


Forehead Lines

A solution to soften horizontal lines on the forehead, giving you a smoother, refreshed appearance.

Scowl Lines

Target those vertical lines between the eyebrows that create the appearance of constant anger or worry, achieving a relaxed and youthful face.

Bunny Lines

Address those tiny wrinkles on your nose when you smile or laugh, ensuring a flawless smile every time.

Brow Lift

Elevate drooping eyebrows and open the eye area, giving you a more alert and rejuvenated look.

Crow's Feet

Diminish the fine lines that branch out from the corners of your eyes, turning back time on signs of aging.

Lip Lines

Soften the vertical lines around the mouth, often called "smoker's lines," for a smoother, more youthful lip area.

Dimpled Chin

Smooth the cobblestone appearance or pebbling on the chin, providing a sleeker and refined look.


Address the vertical bands that can appear on the neck due to aging or muscle tension, achieving a more toned and youthful neck profile.


It is an effective solution for excessive sweating, giving you confidence in every situation by reducing sweat production.

Masseter (TMJ)

Pain relief for the jaw area caused by temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) while achieving a slimmer facial profile.

Benefits of PCDC/Kybella:


Ideal candidates have excess fat under the chin and desire improved jawline definition.

It usually takes a few weeks for results to become apparent after treatment.

Since the treated fat cells are permanently eliminated, results are long-lasting, but individual experiences may vary, and maintenance treatments might be needed in some cases.

There is minimal downtime, and common side effects include swelling and bruising, which are temporary.

Before treatment, consult with our professionals. Afterward, follow post-treatment instructions for optimal results.

During the session, a healthcare provider will administer PCDC/Kybella injections to the targeted area, typically taking 15-20 minutes per treatment.

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